There is a law, passed in 1940 by Franklin Roosevelt, that requires that anyone who enters the country illegally must register within two months to get fingerprinted and photographed; They are then deported. If they were to follow this process, they would then have - according to this law - the chance to re-enter the country legally in the future.
The failure on the part of illegal aliens to register is a crime, and when they are caught, they can never return legally.
This means that all of those that have been in the country for ten, fifteen, and twenty years or longer who have not registered are guilty of this federal crime. They, like the new arrivals, not only are breaking the law on multiple fronts, but cannot come back.
To those who say that removing illegal aliens would be a detriment to the economy: Are you saying that illegal aliens have a greater ability and willingness to do important work than legitimate, long-standing citizens? And if or when this is true, where is your dedication to education/training the American populace in the areas where they may lack? You insist on keeping the Department of Education, with its behemoth buildings, yet since its inception in 1978, the populace has become less knowledgeable, less skilled or capable in the different areas of work. When you mention the problem of "livable wages" as the reason why Americans don't generally seek many such jobs, you never mention the inflation, debt and the devaluation of the dollar as either a cause or remedy. Instead, these ideas and policies have been sustained, at your insistence, which actively drives people away from these jobs in search of "higher" forms of work.
It is very telling that over a long period of time, despite ample opportunity to listen to Rush Limbaugh, numerous economists, writers and commentators, who clearly explain the problems, their causes and the way out, that you as a party have never reflected or truly changed course.
Instead, you have attempted to cover over these problems by simply advocating for higher minimum wages, as well as a higher hourly wage, and you blame both "greedy corporations" and agriculture alike when, under these burdens, they fail to hire more American workers. At the very same time, you have facilitated this failure by using both legal and illegal immigration as a means of replacing the American worker and the middle class with long-standing roots in the country. Your importing of millions of illegal aliens into the country within a four year span is nothing more than an accelerated version of what you have been doing for the last fifty years. You've only done this now because even many of the naturalized citizens who you were hoping to transform the country with have now begun to catch onto your schemes.
In a movie, before he was president, Ronald Reagan played the part of a new sheriff in a small town. In this movie, one of the local tavern owners urged him essentially to "go easy" on many of the people within the town who had broken the law, because he wanted to keep as many of his customers as possible. To this, the new sheriff replied with the following serious, dry, but inciteful question: "Are you saying that law and justice is a threat to business?"
In asking this question, he exposed a general disposition of wanting growth, commerce and population at the expense of the fabric of the country, which includes morality, safety and public integrity. It has been suggested that Democrats and socialists are simply anti-business, anti-commerce. Actually, they very much want commerce; They want it their way. The public must face, and reconcile the fact that there are indeed many times when law and justice threatens commerce; Yet making America great again does not simply include the flow of money, goods and commerce; It entails making America just again.
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