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August 26, 2024

There is likely not to be an agreement as to a debate platform for President Trump vs. Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris and the type of moderators they seek are people that would not ask the important, honest questions regarding policy and her and Joe Biden's records. They likewise will not give President Trump the opportunity to communicate clearly about his record, and about Agenda 47 and 25.

There is an answer to this standoff: CPAN debates. CSPAN is neutral, and the moderators would be unknown. They would be expected to ask intelligent, important questions to both people without favoring one or the other. The Harris campaign and the DNC would not be able to reject this venue without overtly saying that they have to suppress and control the media, and the types of questions asked. It would show their active attempt to keep people in the dark about themselves and their intentions. They would not be able to turn down the debates by hiding behind the charge of "bias in favor of the right"....

August 22, 2024

Often, the way bad policies and ideology are furthered is by the use of an important, admirable person in history as a "model example". The details surrounding the "model case" are always skewed/misrepresented, so that the true rightness of the person and their deeds is obscured, while the bad ideas that stem from it are seen as justified.
Specifically, Mary, the mother of Jesus has been used as the basis for allowing illegal aliens into the country. She is portrayed by these advocates as an "illegal alien, who crossed over the borders of another country without a permit, who trespassed onto another person's property without permission in order to give birth to her baby, while Joseph, who was not the child's father, looked on".

There is only one part of this narrative regarding Mary that is true: Joseph indeed was not the baby's father; God was.

The true story surrounding the birth of Jesus is not even related to immigration, legal or illegal.
Joseph and Mary, like the rest of the ...

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